09 June 2018

The Best Lies

The best lies, especially the best big lies, have a kernel of truth to them.

Anti-Semitic racist, Louis Farrakahn's wee little diatribe about Jews in Hollywood enjoys the kernel of truth that there ARE a lot of Jews in Hollywood and many of them are involved in running the place.

I think that just about exhausts the verifiable facts in his rant.

There are also a shit-ton of Canadians in Hollywood.

Honestly, I'm more concerned bout the Canadians than the Jews because it seems like the instant someone from Canada makes it big in acting they get very political and very liberal.

That alone would be enough to consider closing the border to Canada's actors.  Justin Bieber being a supporting argument to ending diplomatic relations with the place altogether.

Truth be told, I've never really worried about Jews as a whole.

There's some specific Jewis people who worry me, but it's because they're Congresscreatures.  The fact that Charles Schumer is Jewish is akin to Charles Schumer wears glasses with regards to why he worries me.  Howard Metzenbaum and DiFi are likewise in the same boat.  Howie worrying me a lot less now that he's dead (he died in Florida so he continues to worry me by voting).

The Jews I know personally, with a single exception, are just folks.  The exception seems to revel in being a stereotype, so I can't tell if that's how he really is or if he's just so deep into his front his true self was long ago lost.

Wait, I just checked the narrative, I'm not supposed to know Jewish people or like them.  What with me being white, straight and conservative.

1 comment:

  1. But without Justin Bieber, Canada wouldn't have a Prime Minister!


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