05 January 2018

Ease Of Victimization

I don't blame the legitimate owner of anything for it's post-theft misuse.

I think it is wrong to do so.

It doesn't matter to me how easy a victim made it for a thief to steal.


Because your security isn't as good as you think it is.


How do I know that?

Because I was entirely too chummy with some real thieves for a short period of time.  (Then I sold the motorcycle [rimshot]).

Your house is no more secure than an unlocked car.  Don't even say, "but I have..."  It doesn't matter.

But let's say it does.

How many steps of security before you're not culpable for what a thief does with your property post-theft?  Two?  Three?  More?  How shall we codify that?

Have you ever raged against safe-storage laws?  If you blame the victim of theft for what thieves do with stolen property and think the legitimate owner should be legally responsible for it; you're in tacit support of safe-storage laws.  Because you are, in fact, saying that it should be illegal to store an item below a minimum legal standard.

Also for the guns in cars crowd... I know I've read about range days that mentioned going to a local eatery after shooting.  Did the restaurant have a gun-safe for patrons?  OR WERE YOUR GUNS IN YOUR CAR?  Ooops.  Be sure to let me know why it's different when YOU do it.

For the keys in the ignition people, just google up "bait car" or check YouTube for a couple episodes.  Not only do the people who take the cop's running car get arrested, it's not considered entrapment.

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