19 January 2018

Unlike Some

While I'm up here complaining about the lack of positive trajectory imparted by the NRA to Florida's gun laws...

I'm a member and making monthly payments for my life membership so as to get a vote on who's on the board.

While I might disagree with some people (who're actually on my side), even loudly, I want to make sure that I'm not calling them names or being insulting.

If I've done so, please comment and reference the post where I did so and I should be able to apologize.

I'm very frustrated at the lack of activity from Tallahassee and how the roadblocks to progress seem to all come from the same general region of the state.

I'm sick of being told what great people the folks who're presently failing to make headway are.  For eight years they've been useless.

I don't expect that to change and it's very disheartening.

It makes me grumpy.

Grumpy when it's below the LEGS ACHE LIKE THEY ARE ON FIRE temperature threshold puts me on a short fuse.


  1. The moment I feel insulted, I;ll drive to your place and stain all your stocks pink.
    And cover your house with My Little Pony stickers.
    You have been warned :)

    1. Like my Brony ass didn't already cover the place in them!

      The socks though... You do that and it's pineapple on all your pizza for the rest of your days.


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