08 January 2018

I've Got A Solution

Since we're down on people storing their gun in their car when at football games...

Let's confront why someone might tuck their pistol under their seat in the first place.

In Florida it's illegal to bring my gun into the stadium.

My solution is to just not attend football games.

That solution doesn't help me when I go to the courthouse.  Or to schools.  Or to work.

The local gun shows all ban carry, for fuck's sake!

To keep the gun from being stored in the car we'd have to leave it at home.  That's suboptimal at best, since we all decided to get a carry permit for a reason and if we never carry that sort of subverts those reasons, doesn't it?

The real solution is to not have to disarm at our destinations.

What good is a carry permit that only works at your own home and in your own car?

What good is a carry permit where you have to be disarmed from your car to the building you're going to and back?

We often speak of avoiding gun-free victim zones.  Why aren't we demanding those become smaller and fewer?

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