04 June 2019

Flag Choices

The flagpole has a second set of hooks...

That means I can fly two flags!

There's all manner of things I can fly there.

Is it wrong of me to want a Kekistani flag?


  1. Heh. Fly the Florida flag and see if any of your neighbors report you for flying a, gasp, southern pride flag...

    And, no, a Kekistani flag would be fine. So would a Gadsden or a Pinetree flag. Really confuse people and fly your favorite Crusader order of militant knights flag.

    Soooo many possibilities.

    1. "Soooo many possibilities."

      I know, right?

    2. Hah. Just work up an "Annoying Flag of the Day" table and roll dice to determine the FotD.


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