11 June 2019

Poked Prodded Twisted And Turned

Did my RMR referral today.

Doctor and intern.

In simple language.

The pain in my shins is neuropathy.  Nothing to be done about that, it's from the nerves in the bones being out of place from the knitting of the bones from too much abuse from shin splints progressing to stress fractures to being compound fractures from my great leap.

The pain in my hips and back are from my messed up gait.

A gait which shouldn't be messed up, but thanks to The Peace Dividend® and budget cuts no physical therapy was available to my broke (in more than one way) ass from the VA.

I now have a new cane that's the correct length, a back brace to wear a few hours a day and some simple exercises to help limber up the affected area of my lower back.

I am also referred to the system to get some physical therapy to correct my gait.

They refused to fill out the paperwork from DAV, but did get me the number to call to set up an appointment with the doctors that will.

Thinking positive, the RMR doc said he'd up my disability right then and there because neuropathy is the pain which keeps on giving.

I was scaring the poor intern when he grabbed the wrong spot and I reacted.


  1. Huzzah for extra points on your disability. Boo for neuropathy in general.

  2. Did they prescribe anything for the neuropathy, like Gabapentin or Lyrica? My wife's pain doc has her on B6 and B12 to help the nerve pain, along with a handful of other really powerful drugs.

    1. Gabapentin is the DEVIL!

      I'm in the small group of people who take the first, smaller, doses and immediately stuffs a pistol in their mouth.

      It's a known, rare, side effect.

    2. Yikes! Hope that something helps.

  3. I'll second trying B vitamins. It helped me tremendously. I'd add some detail, but can't comment anon, and don't want it searchable.



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