24 June 2019

Practically A Tradition

The Boy has Hollow Man (2000) on the TV here at Grandma's.

I looked up the trivia on IMDB and find that it's directed by Paul Verhoeven.

The trivia mentions there's a novel called Hollow Man, by Dan Simmons, which has nothing to do with the movie; but they bought the rights just for the title.

This is sounding eerily similar to Starship Troopers...


  1. Also Blade Runner. The title of the story they used was originally "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" but the studio didn't like that, so they bought a totally unrelated novel just for the name.

    1. Paul Verheoven didn't direct Blade Runner.

    2. They did the same thing with the Mat Helm books.

      John of the GMA


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