18 November 2020

Stick Horse

Mages were strange.

Sargent Harrington packed a stick-horse with him.

The expedition had real horses!

But he packed a child's toy anyway.

It confused Lieutenant Fowler for weeks of travel.

Then one day Major Beasley ordered an aerial scout ahead of the column.

Sgt. Harrington dismounted, took his saddle off his horse, placed it carefully on the ground then mounted the stick-horse where a real horse's head would go.

Then he plopped down on the saddle as if he was going to ride it just like that.

Lieutenant Fowler almost laughed, but then Sargent Harrington, saddle and stick-horse rose into the air and then flew off ahead of the column to scout ahead.

Mages were strange.


  1. Ha! If Sargent Harrington was using a McClellan saddle, does it still pinch his scrotum even when used on a magic horse.


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