10 October 2022

Got My Anchor Baby

The Lovely Harvey is a non-Dawes Blackfoot.

We're celebrating Columbus Day, not Indigenous People's Day.

She happens to like air conditioning and electricity, which her ancestors were unlikely to have developed without the colonization of their native lands by... other native American tribes before Chris hit the Caribbean.

The truth is that there are more native Americans alive today than at any point before Europeans moved in.

I am not saying that the colonization of the US was an unalloyed good, but everyone here is better off for it having happened than without.

Were people only able to see it as a crucible moment where they come out better and stronger than when they went in, there'd be a lot more peace.

I should reiterate that thought next February.

1 comment:

  1. "I am not saying that the colonization of INSERT NAME HERE was an unalloyed good..." Is pretty much human history in one sentence.

    It always amazes me when the woke kids act like the US is the first nation in all of human history that had slavery, or the only nation that took territory over from previous inhabitants. Slavery was the norm until 1800s, which is like last night in historical terms. Far enough back, I'm positive I had family that were slaves. I'd bet many of us can say that. Depending on whom you listen to, there are more slaves alive today than ever before, which seems possible just based on there being more people than at any time in history.

    To the woke twits, it's only modern America that does these things.


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