26 October 2022

I'm Being Manipulated And I Do Not Care

"Speculation on the limited availability of the McRib includes theories concerning the fluctuating price and unreliable supply chains of bulk pork, manipulation of availability windows to turn the product into a better loss leader for the company, and the generation of renewed enthusiasm and higher sales as a result of scarcity."

I get the annual McRib every year, Harvey often has two.

We don't get them for the flavor any more than a cocaine addict snorts for the smell.

It hits the same center as the Winn-Dixie brand Peach soda.


Hi.  I'm Thag.  I'm a McRibaholic.


  1. Ah, the BBQ equivalent for folks who have never had real BBQ :-) Joking! Grew up in Joliet, about as far as one can get from actual BBQ, but thankfully during my exile in the Army I got the opportunity to discover what actual BBQ was...

  2. I'm just okay with the product. And I always have to remember to order with light sauce, because McRib is often the sandwich causing "I'm going to be wearing the sauce" spots on my shirt. Light sauce and extra care for me is required. Maybe that is why I'm lukewarm on it.

    Give me a chopped brisket sandwich with onion, pickles, slice of cheese and y'all can have my McRib !! :^)


  3. As with many other addictions you can't get hooked if you never try it. I've never had a McRib and I satisfied my barbecue Jones yesterday at the real barbecue place.


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