28 October 2022


Just as I've noticed that there's fewer and fewer straight white men in television ads for products I probably wasn't going to buy anyway...

I've also noticed that the hands holding a gun in a stock photo of someone buying a gun in a gun shop for a news article are often a black man's.

These photos, amazingly enough, are mostly shown in articles talking about how foolish a given piece of gun control is. 

The pro-gun slant with the "look, they're law abiding and buying from a shop where they get a background check!" photo gives off the warm fuzzies that minorities joining us as gun owners is a good thing.

And it is a good thing.

The more the merrier!

I've long maintained that the best, perhaps only, way for a minority group to keep from being persecuted or killed off is to get their hands (regardless of color) on some guns.

The Bielski brothers are a good example with a better outcome than the oft-cited Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

More recently, armed blacks didn't get lynched and queers that tote don't get bashed.

D&D Nerds, likewise, don't get picked on near so much when the response is asymmetric either.


  1. the armed nerd herd is a safe herd... panzer guy

  2. One thing I find annoying are the number of libtards on online forums who repeatedly ask questions like "If Conservatives/Republicans realize that "black people" are buying guns will they finally accept gun control?"

    Ummm... no, not so much. We frankly don't give a damn what color people are as far as being allowed to own guns... Whether they are a CRIMINAL... Sure. But being a criminal has nothing to do with skin color really. Plenty of non-black male people who are criminals. Hell, probably a majority of criminals are not black men considering that black men make up less than 10% of the population. Lots of white criminals out there. The law should equally apply to them. As has been said above... as far as good, honest, decent black people buying firearms... more is certainly merrier. Same thing for Hispanics, Asians, any other minority.

    What really bothers me is the assumption that all Conservatives/Republicans are automatically racist and will have knee-jerk reactions to the thought that anyone who is not legally prohibited should be allowed to buy and own firearms regardless of race. Who are the real racists? In a way it shows that they're the ones who are making a assumptions and stereotypes.


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