04 December 2016

Still A Great Line

From Lawrence of Arabia:

Bartender: "This is a bar for British officers."

Lawrence: "That's all right.  We're not particular."


  1. your breaking point and start building from there. most of the time, 8 to 12 reps of any workout are ideal for muscle boom. in case you use higher weight however less reps you may sincerely come to be stronger but your muscle will no longer grow as correctly. high rep ranges are not gold standard. In other phrases, find a weight that is too heavy so that you can achieve more than a dozen reps however that allows you to at the least get to 8 reps every time.For more ==== >>>>>> http://testoupmaxfacts.com/ultimate-testo-explosion/

  2. Damn you. I've had that movie sitting on my movie drive for a while.

    Now I'm going to have to schedule the 6 hours it takes to watch the whole thing.

    1. The restored version is just 3:42 and it's the longest version.

  3. One of the Duke cousins in Dukes of Hazzard said, apropos of being offered a beer by an enemy: "I ain't particular. I'll drink with anyone."


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