20 July 2017

Not Going

I have never seen a total eclipse of the sun.

Now I never will.

Reservations are cancelled and I am not going anywhere in August.

It was a pipe dream to think I could actually be allowed to escape a 40 mile radius of home to see it and now that I've cancelled the room reservation, I feel nothing but relief.

PS: This is not an invitation for you to brag about how it's just a day trip for you to go see it.


  1. "This is not an invitation for you to brag about how it's just a day trip for you to go see it." But it's time to tell you that you have another chance in another 7 years.

  2. Sorry you can't make it. I was looking forward to at least getting to have a beer or three together. We'll just have to make that happen some other way I guess.


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