They just aren't useful combat weapons anymore. Just like horses aren't good combat transportation anymore.
Yet... you will still find a circumstance where they can be applied today.
For horses, well there's a movie coming out soon.
For bayonets, and my Gods memories are short, there's prisoner poking!
It's useful to have the capability to poke POW's because oft-times they out number the guards in a ratio that Crazy Horse would have loved to have had at
Shooting a prisoner can cause the herd to stampede. "They're shooting us all!" being the thought.
Stabbing an out of line prisoner is more local and more likely to elicit a, "Dave had it coming, Dave's like that," and even that response being more localized.
Plus, the prisoners nearly always feel that you WILL stab them with the slightest provocation, where you won't shoot them. Even if the opposite is true.
Two out of the three weapons found in a rifle squad these days don't even take bayonets. Prisoner control and persuading civilians to move along is about it.