27 June 2018

Pop The Popcorn

Justice Kennedy is stepping down before the mid-term elections.

What will the cry be about his replacement, since appointing Gorsuch was a "violation of democratic norms to capture the judiciary"...

Violation of Democrat norms, perhaps, in that the GOP actually stood up to them.

I can't wait to see what tactics and procedures the GOP uses that had been used on them for so many decades by the Democrats and watch the liberals lose their everlovin' minds about it.


  1. And now things go rodeo... LOL

  2. Now to see if Trump gets his selected nominee through the whole nomination process before the mid-terms.

  3. If Mitch McConnell has any capacity for human emotion, he has to be seething after that mob showed up on his lawn. Ramrodding President Trump's Supreme Court pick would be an excellent method of revenge.


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