25 June 2018

They're Obviously Not Saying It Publicly

Dear Democrats and Liberals (brought to you by the department of redundancy department).

The reason that your "we can't separate parents from children" ploy failed is because a great many people who're opposed to illegal immigration simply don't care if those children ever see anyone they know ever again, let alone their parents.

We're damn close to shoot, shovel and shut up on the borders already; can't separate the kids from the parents simply means more shots fired and larger graves.  Same silence.

The whole "illegal" portion of this is being blatantly ignored and misrepresented by the mainstream press.  It's as if the modifier "illegal" is silent and meaningless to them.

I'm willing to bet that if we made re-entry after deportation a capital offense with very limited appeals we'd see a lot less of it.

I don't know why we lost the will to punish the people who break the law.  (Yet there is ample will to punish people who don't.)

Never mind that, philosophically illegal entrants don't have rights like citizens, legal entrants and legal immigrants.

It's often overlooked, but we could just claim they're spys and do a summary execution right there in the desert.  Remember all those congressional authorizations of war-like power right after 9/11?  Those evoke several of the "in time of war" rules.  Including espionage.

So, Democrats and Liberals (I repeat myself again) we're OK with killing each and every one of them regardless of age and sex.  What that means is you're not going to make us feel too guilty by showing compassion for a child and locking them in a fairly comfortable detention area (even if it looks like a kennel) and putting their "parents" in an uncomfortable cell.

We compromised already by not shooting them in the desert.


  1. Saw a posting somewhere (90 Miles?) from a girl who called herself the Conservative Latina who said, "When anyone living in the US commits a crime and gets locked up they get separated from their families. Whey should the illegal immigrants get better treatment than anyone else?" Absolutely - why?

    Of course, the literal interpretation of "you can't separate the parents from the children" is that you lock them up in the same Federal prison.

    1. Which is why, when President Trump enacted his Executive Order doing just that literal interpretation, the lefties went even more bat-shit crazy.

  2. A lot of this strikes me as people flailing around frantically to find something, anything, to blame on Trump. The whole "Russia" thing has turned into a big fat nothingburger, and his supporters don't care that he's sometimes crude and rude. They're convinced that he's a combination of pre-reform Ebenezer Scrooge, the Antichrist's black-sheep brother (the one the family doesn't talk about) and the Grinch Who Stole Hillary's Prize. They can't find anything substantive to whip up into "Watergate II: Return of the Heroic Investigative Reporters," so they're forced to appeal to the hemorrhaging-valentine crowd with pitiful looking pictures.

  3. Why is it so hard for liberals and MSM idiots to do the math. According to 'their' reports there are 12000 illegal immigrant children being held in the centers ( 10000 who came here without patent and 2000 that have been separated from their parents) at a cost of approx $100 per day per 'child', again from 'their' reports. That works out to just over $109 million per day that could be used for CITIZENS instead of invaders. I didn't ask them to come here, I don't want them here, and I surely do not want to support them while they are here. SEND THEM BACK!!


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