17 September 2018

Dear Democrat Senators

You did nothing about the numerous rape allegations and escapades associated with William Jefferson Clinton.

This means that we don't give a shit what you think about a single allegation about Brett Kavanaugh from when he was in high school.

I'll tell you what, Dianne, even if you produce a film of him raping someone now...

I don't care.

You beat the "give a fuck" out of me on this issue.

Hollywood's treatment of women beat the "give a fuck" out of me on this issue.

I used to care, but you keep telling me it's no big deal in every word and deed.

But now that it is a pro-gun, conservative Supreme Court nominee, it's somehow different?

Yeah, fuck off.

I'll take a pro-gun child molester now, thanks to you.

Good news, Judge Kavanaugh doesn't appear to have ever actually molested anyone.

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