19 June 2019

Quote Of The Day

From here.

This leads us to the second thing: gun control is what they are doing instead of fixing the problem.

Its genius, really. You have a problem you can't solve, so you blame it on a visible minority and you make their lives hell instead of doing something constructive. Kind of like what Hitler did with the Jews, but slower.

Earlier in the post they say,

Outside third option, they arranged it and they like it that way.

I tend to discount conspiracy theories... but, more and more, there seems to be a coherent pattern in how this works.

The "solution" to the problem is never anything that addresses the problem and often encourages more of the problem.

The comments also point to another problem in American crime.  The vibrancy of the areas where the most crime occurs.

We've got a melting pot problem.  Someone put out the fire under the crucible.

The dark side of America's melting pot is we used to force foreigners to become American or accept (at best) second class citizenship.

We're to the multi-cultural point now where being American is how you get that second class status because all the other sub-cultures are elevated above you, by law, with extra protections and allowances.

It's been asked before, "why don't you white people riot when one of you gets killed by the cops?"

The answer stunned the questioner, "because we're expected to be civilized and you're not."

There's a lot of truth underlying that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angus;

    It's been asked before, "why don't you white people riot when one of you gets killed by the cops?"

    The answer stunned the questioner, "because we're expected to be civilized and you're not."

    Man there is truth to that, and I never heard it put exactly that way, but it is soo true. We are expected to behave, but other groups will get a pass. See how conservatives demonstrate, vs liberals. We tend to be neat and orderly whereas the other side, hollers, screams and throws tantrums and literally trash everywhere.


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