04 December 2016


"If you can afford a monthly Netflix subscription, you can afford a monthly newspaper subscription."

-Chris Cillizza

While this might be true, one of them sells me something I want and the other doesn't.

One of them is useful to me, the other isn't.

One of them supports people who honestly sell me a service, the other supports people who lie compulsively and habitually.

One of them pays idiots to post to Twitter...


  1. I get a paper every day. :-)

  2. also, a single set is not enough. you'll want six to nine reps for each muscle you are working. it is also vital to no longer work out too lengthy. at the forty five minute mark, catabolic hormones are launched, which truely reduce muscle tissue! Muscle boom isn't feasible if you don't deliver your body the constructing blocks it wishes as a way to develop muscle.For more ==== >>>>>> http://testoupmaxfacts.com/ultimate-testo-explosion/

  3. The reason you don't need a newspaper is you aren't a fisherman.

  4. One I can get for free at the local Mickey D's, the other I can't.

    One clutters up my house, the other doesn't.


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