02 December 2016

How Do I Know She's Wrong?

From Ace.

Because the attacks stopped when the stabber was himself killed.

If America was really motivated by the hate that's often attributed to it, the killing would reaching a crescendo about now... no that's not right at all.

If America was really motivated by the hate that's often attributed to it, the killing would be long done by now.  It would have started on 12Sep01 and 15 years is enough to wipe out a people.

I know that it's enough time because Western Civilization is nothing if not efficient when it sets its mind to a task.

The reason we don't do it is we don't possess the will associated with the hate.

And it's purely will that keeps us in check.

Think about a war with the whole middle east.  They don't build anything they use to fight.  Not planes, not ships, not tanks not even rifles in most cases.  This falls squarely in the "experts study logistics" camp.

In addition to not manufacturing the weapons they're fighting with, they don't possess the weapons to prevent Western Civilization from manufacturing more of its own.  "But Iran will have nukes!" you might say.  That will be a short war.  Iran doesn't have a reliable delivery system for theirs that can reach us, and they've got very few warheads (if any).  Even with force reductions we've more than enough to still play MAD with Russia.  Iran doesn't, they just have AD.  We might lose a city or two, they lose the war.

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