09 January 2020

And It Was Constantly Predicted

It seems like all of the issues that liberals sell always, ultimately, end up at the most extreme version of whatever the topic is.

Abortion has gotten all the way to killing a child where there's just not much disagreement that it's a child now.

Treating homosexuals like the people they are is becoming the groundwork to normalize child molestation.

Helping people out with their medical bills is leading to the complete elimination of any choices about your health at all.

Wanting people to be safe with their firearms is always moving towards a complete ban.

There are countless other examples.

And they have the temerity to tell us that slippery slopes are fallacies?


And lest we get too haughty as conservatives clucking at the excesses of liberals.

I remember when you could make anonymous deposits into anyone's account.  Thanks drug war!

The puritanical streak that comes from currying favor with religious conservatives is ever present.

1 comment:

  1. Other examples would be the Temperance movement, and feminism. Temperance started out as an attempt to get Americans to moderate their drinking (my father commented, when I told him about how much colonial-era and early-republic Americans drank, that they'd have had him right under the table) and ended up as a "ban all booze everywhere!" movement. Feminism started out because women did have some legitimate complaints, but it's got a magnetic attraction to the kind of woman who wants to get back at men, and it morphed into a shrill bunch of harpies that make the old WCTU look almost cuddly-wuddly.


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