08 January 2020


That is a Stanley brand 3/8 drive, 12 point, 10mm socket.

10mm sockets are ONLY lost!  10mm sockets are never found!

Yet... FuzzyGeff found this one in the street.

I'm not going to say it was aliens; but it was aliens.


  1. As the proficiency foretold…

  2. No! It remains lost, the other owner is still in the standard Murphy universe so ying and yang are maintained.

    It is not only sockets, the current owner of an older Benz I sold last year owns a 10MM crowfoot wrench, it is somewhere in the engine compartment, after years of seeking, I never found where it lodged so had to buy a new set for one frigging size.

    That said, encourage Fuzzy to stop at a random gas station and buy a lottery ticket providing he agrees to share.


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