08 January 2020


Willard: I'm off to use the men's room.

Me: The women's room is probably cleaner.

FuzzyGeff: What else is new?

Me: Well, he could fix the disparity in cleanliness...

FuzzyGeff: Ick!


  1. I used to be part of the support staff of a public school system, and occasionally would assist the custodians.

    Women tend to have better aim with respect to urination, but otherwise, I've found men's restrooms to generally be cleaner. YMMV.

  2. What JohnMXL said.

    Especially since the standing on the toilet and squatting move has become ever so popular because toilet seats are icky, right?

    So far, the family restrooms seem to be the cleanest. So far...

  3. Long time ago, and what seems like a galaxy far away, I had a job as a maintenance worker at a campground. Regardless of the weather, time of day, or day of the year, the men's facilities were *always* cleaner than the women's. And we cleaned both to the same level of cleanliness every single day. The women's was usually so bad that it took 2 or 3 people to clean it in the same time it took one person to clean the men's.


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