18 January 2020

Ballot Initiative Not Doing Well

To make the ballot, a constitutional initiative must cross two barriers.

It needs valid signatures that number more than 8% of the number of people who voted last election statewide.


At least 14 of the 27 congressional districts must also get more than 8% of their voters to sign off on it.

The Ban Assault Weapons Now initiative is not clearing either bar.

In the 53 weeks it's been gathering signatures, it stands at 138,467 of the 766,200 signatures needed with a mere two weeks to go...

Passing that law to reduce signature collection fraud seems to have worked!

So far only three of the MANY proposed amendments have made the ballot, that's a huge change from last election and it shows how few of these things have been pushed from local demands.


  1. The 'Legalize Marijuana' crowd, who just a few years were the 'Medical Marijuana, we're never ever gonna push for full legalization' (cough, cough) also lost their bid for getting it on the ballot.

    Amazing. It's like... you know... they had an agenda.

    Just like with all the gun legislation.

  2. The scuttlebutt I've heard has them holding on to signatures to submit them at the last minute.

    1. The State Supreme Court is scheduled to rule on the 4th as well. If I remembered that right, I can't find where I got that date stuck in my head.


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