31 January 2020

The Deadline Looms

The semi-automatic rifle ban amendment doesn't appear to have gotten the traction that BAWN had hoped.

As of 30Jan20, it sits at 144,646 according to Ballotpedia.

It also looks like the ballot initiative to make these things more difficult is going to make it.

Already passing muster are ballots that increase automation minimum wage to $15 an hour, banning non citizens from voting and a top-two open primary.

The top two open primary is the really dangerous thing.  It's a democrats win forever system of eliminating good Republican candidates.


  1. Good points all, and yes, just look at California's voting results...

  2. Banning non-citizens from voting? I thought there were already rules for that? Hmmmm... must have been my outdated US Civics classes where I was taught that only citizens were allowed to vote that I remember...

    The others? Screw them and the encephalitic horse they rode in on.

    Minimum wage laws should be struck, or reduced to the top of the Fed Poverty Level for 1 person (which is $12,490 a year) divided by a rough 40hour week work year (approx 2,000 hours) gives... $6.245, be nice, round up to $6.25 an hour. By being generous and setting minwage at 150% of FedPovLev gives $9.37 an hour

    200% of FPL? $12.49/hour
    250% of FPL? $15.62/hour

    Interesting, that setting MinWage at $15/hour, gives one a pay roughly at 241% of FedPovLevel (roughly $29,995 per year, and how many on disability or Social Security are getting that? Yeah.)

    Math. Math be your friend, or worse enemy.


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