08 January 2020


After we got home from bike practice the soreness in my left hip changed into full blown stabbing pain.

It's radiating from my lower back just below my belt-line and going at a 35 degree angle to the outside of my hip on the leg.

It's most prominent when walking or lifting my left leg into the car.

I'm slathered in my topical pain gel and two drinks into self meds.

If it's just a pulled muscle from moving heavy boxes and doing two doors, this should subside soon if I keep somewhat active.

The joint appears to have no problems moving, so I don't think its the ball and socket.


  1. It's amazing how all the little pains slowly build quietly until... POW!

    My back gets that way.

    Good luck, hope you find something, like heat, that helps and you don't spend tomorrow in pain.

  2. IANAD, but it sounds more like sciatica. Possibly overuse.
    Unless you've got a relationship with a good ortho doc, a trip to the VA or urgent care would seem to be in order.
    From your description, it sounds more like tendons/ligaments, or possibly muscular, than bones or joints.

    If you don't have allergies or other contraindications, naproxen and ibuprofen are your friend until you see somebody, along with ice packs 20" on/20" off.

    But see somebody local with a license.

    Stabby pain is not right, and you already know it's not fun.

    1. My gait is all fucked up from getting no care post-service for my service ending injury...

      It'd be no shock at all that it's messed up other parts and the wrong muscles have been doing the work for years and they object strenuously to being used like this.

      Got to put in a call to the VA... again.

  3. This sounds like the same kind of pain I have when my back goes out. Do you have any tingling or numbness on the bottom of your left foot as well? Might be hard to notice without looking for it as the more obvious pain is quite the distraction. My last adventure with this was a round of golf, the walking combined with the twisting to swing wore those muscles out and after they got tired other muscles in that joint had to try to support me and that is when the pain starts.

    When I have this happen, it is muscles. Recovery method is to stay the hell off it for a few days. Longer term I have had good results in prevention by light stretching of my hip flexors and glutes as for me these muscles are tight and weak from too much sitting on my ass intermixed with too much heavy lifting. Corrective exercise for me is to do 10-20 unweighted squats per day, ONLY WHEN there is no pain. The squats build up the muscles that got tired long term, but if I try to work them at all or stretch them while they are sore already... well lets just says thats a bad idea.

    Hope you feel better soon, hurting sucks!

  4. Agree with Aesop. I have sciatica and this is what I go through when I overdo it.

  5. Adding to the comments about sciata - I agree its a good starting point to look at. My case begins when I try to reach for something juuussst out of reach, forcing me to stretch and put weight on certain muscles. Pain is blinding - climbing in my truck and dragging my butt across the seat - off the charts. I leaned so hard onto seat back I broke it (not a lightweight guy, 260 or so). No problems at all seated, but when lifting out of chair and walking, oh my Lord !

    I haven't had a flare-up in about a year and a half, being aware of the trigger causes me to scale back and know my limits. Getting back into gym and maintaining 'keep it real' has stopped the attacks, at least for now. I hope you find relief soon, that shit hurtz !



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