12 January 2020

It's Because They Hate Us

"There is no cause so righteous that one cannot find a fool following it."

"There is no cause so foolish that one cannot find the righteous following it."

I've been reading that people shouldn't show up to protest Virginia's impending legislative session because there might be racists there who will be depicted as mainstream gun owners.

As if we aren't already?

Being afraid of this means you're afraid of the press.

They hate us.  They aren't going to depict us any differently than if the racists stay home.

Face it and stop worrying about what they think about you and what they say about you.

And for fuck's sake, start standing up to the pricks.

Come to think of it, start standing up to the fucking racists who show up to hijack the event.

After hearing about the Klan robes and Nazi flags that were at a Tea Party rally I actually attended; I am coming to doubt that the racists even show up.  Despite the media reporting, there were no overt racists seen or heard at the rally.

The media lies about it and thus has gained control over your actions with the lie.

I've read that the local rallies are where to do this, but why is a local rally immune to being hijacked but a state capitol rally guaranteed to be misreported and skewed?

Doing the local and state level thing is not mutually exclusive.  Hold ALL of your elected official's feet to the fire.

Never mind that it's not the media or the people who mindlessly get their opinions from them we are attempting to reach.

It's to plant a tiny seed in the minds of the legislature and governor.

"Holy fuck!  What if they came with guns with no intention of being peaceful?"

To demonstrate, in person, enough people to overwhelm their meager security can and will show up.

Show them that their liars cannot frighten you away.

Stop worrying about what might happen, and start dealing with what does happen.

Because if you don't bother showing up, they can safely ignore you.  They will have a secure datum that the threat of misreporting of racism can make you quit and stay home.

Why should they worry about people so easily swayed?

PS: Also consider that overt racists showing up to give the press something to look at, don't even have to be actual members of the purported groups.  Their regalia is well known and easily made or acquired.  This is another reason to stand up to them and whenever a camera is pointed at the overt racists, there's also someone from our team confronting them and demanding they leave.

PPS: Opening up your posts by savagely insulting anyone and everyone who would dare try to attend a rally at the state capitol didn't convince anyone to listen to you.  It made them more determined to go, just to spite you.  It's how you get called "pro-gun" because you keep driving a wedge between people who are otherwise like-minded, but are using different methods to achieve the goals.  Sometimes I think you don't care about the goals as long as everyone is in ISO:9000 compliance with your process.

PPPS: Make up your fucking minds "pro-gunners", you've been whinging for years that nobody bothers to show up to the rallies at the capitols and now that it looks like people might show up in numbers you're advocating staying home?


  1. There have been lots of documented incidents of 'racists' flying 'Nazi' flags that still have the crease marks from the package on them. Almost like the racists never had the flag out before. Hmmm.

    If you do go to a rally, video the living daylights out of it. That way it is easy to show how the media lies (like how they crop images to show no one showing up for a Dem and crowing about large numbers showing up, while showing empty places behind Trump at his rallies and saying he's pulling small numbers.)

    We've pretty much reached the stage the Iranian people or the Hong Kongese have. It's rally, march or die.

    And the gun-fuds want us to sit quietly at home and take what is coming.

    Yeah. No. I may not be able to make rallies out of my city, but if one happened here I'd show up.

    1. The big thing the press has been caught on when it comes to fudging the numbers in attendance at various events is that some of the pictures they've published to show low attendance at Trump events were apparently taken as many as several hours before the event, before people showed up in quantity. The pictures were definitely not taken while the speaker was actually on stage. The fact that they are cherry picking to fit their political agenda is the reason so many people don't trust them.

    2. Like the Inauguration photos of the crowd 'proving' that few people showed up for the even, even though the tv cameras panned the crowd and people were obviously everywhere.

      Yeah, so blatant, and yet there is a significant number of dumb masses that still believe the media.

  2. Go to the Raconteur Report web site and read his recommendations on how to proceed.

    1. He's one of the people who opens up with a paragraph of insulting the target audience, thus missing them entirely.

    2. And, funny, he yells at us about exercising our rights and he lives in California, which denies the very rights we are trying to maintain.

      Clueless. It's like someone in a gulag yelling at people outside of the gulag to just wait for the state to come get them, rather than resisting.

      The almost 80 years of steadily eroded rights all while being told to just be patient and civil and we'll get back those rights.... The only ones we got back are the AWB and that just sunseted, no real action required by those in power, and they are still trying to enact it every chance they get.

      Aesop is good for Ebola reports and such. Not so good on God-given rights.

    3. He was one of the very few people who stood by me when Tam flipped out at me. I give him credit for that.

      Most of the time he's not entirely wrong, but he delivers it in such a manner that guarantees nobody will bother listening to the core point. Then he wanders off that point and demands that we follow his advice to the letter or we'll all lose our rights... I'm long since tuned out by that point unless I'm forcing myself to read the whole thing to make a post here.

      I've mentioned in several places that the advice being given has not been working. That we need to start doing something else and fighting back rather than passively hoping the angel of gun-control passes our house.


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