05 January 2020

Every Single Project

The In-Laws need a new storm door.

Screen and storm doors are simple work, so Marv and I set out to install the chosen door.

A problem occurred in that we couldn't get accurate measurements of the opening with the existing door in place.

They have a 40" door on their place, not the standard 36".

In the no stated dimension is the actual measurement world of carpentry, the 4" difference means the opening for the storm door is 1-1/8" too wide for a normal, everyday 36" storm door.

So we have to fill that gap with something...

Wood seems so obvious.

Except there's not a stick of lumber that's 1-1/8" in any dimension.  Nor is there any combination of stacking boards that gets us where we need to be.

And it's not just THIS project.

Every thing I touch of late goes into this pear shaped valley with some oddity that takes far too long to solve.


  1. As a former SeaBee- nobody has a table saw to rip down the straightest 2x4 you can find?
    Then glue and screw it to the hinge side of the new door?

    Better yet would be halving the needed dimension and adding to both sides to keep the opening centered.

    1. The best table saw we could lay hands on, by buying it new from Lowe's, would have made a 3-1/2" cut into the 3-3/4" wide 2x4: guaranteeing we would fuck up the remaining 1/4".

      We ended up using a 1x4 and shimming it the missing 3/8".

      Father in Law is going to fill the resulting gap with grout (he's a retired concrete and cement dude) and apply stucco to make it look good.

      I've got pictures posted of our completed portion.


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