12 December 2024

At The Vet

Mist is doing great!  Especially for a FEMA Kitty.

No worms.


No Kitty-Leukemia.

Her head tilt is better.  Vet says that she, possibly, will grow out of it because she's not showing some of the secondary signs of some of the causes for it.  This might just be lingering effects of the severe ear infection we had treated when she first exited the cat distribution system.

She got round two of three for her shots.

She does NOT like going to the vet and will accept me as a substitute for Harvey to protect her.


  1. Such a little kitty.

    She is a good kitty.

  2. Hey, ya got cat around the collar. Quick, wash it with Tide ;-) Just kidding - cute little critter.


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