05 December 2024

Casette CD iTunes MP3

I'm getting a bit sick of rebuying my music.

For the most part, I had the problem solved with iTunes, but...

There's a few songs, here and there, that are in a format that can't be read by a device here and there.

Mutter mutter, grumble grumble.

The case in point is the stereo in The Beast cannot read m4a files, despite those files being DRM free from iTunes.

That means having to get new copies in mp3 that it can read so I can listen to them without fiddling with the phone and bluetooth.

The phone plays m4a files, but doesn't show the song on the screen.  If you can't see the song on the screen, you can't take a clever "Hulk In Tree!" pic.

Why no Hulk song?  Why Iron Man get song?

We take a series of "Hulk in the tree" pics every year, kinda like a fun, digital, advent calendar.

Where would you like to see Hulk?


  1. It is possible but inconvenient to convert other formats like m4a to mp3 using utilities like ffmpeg or vlc. It is possible to create some scripts to simplify the process, but it is still kind of manual and requires transferring the files from devices to computer and back. Of course the upside is not having to buy anything again.

  2. https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/ super easy to convert...panzer guy


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