27 December 2024

I Say The Same Thing I Said To The Firearms Industry

When a state passes punitive legislation against your business: Stop doing business there.

I said that about California when they started getting stupid about guns.

No sales to anyone in the state until everyone in the state can buy.

People can't have, Government can't have.

Well Vermont and New York have gone insane about petroleum.

Fuck 'em.

Stop sales in those states.

Take the hit.

I'd love to see what happens to those two states when there's no gas, diesel, propane or fuel oil.

Set the cutoff date for February 1, 2025.

That's the height of winter, isn't it?

Being stupid should be painful and I think that the legislatures and voters in those two states deserve some pain from this idiocy.


  1. I just read the article about NY doing this. Send a message, let them freeze in the dark, make it so they have to go out of state to get gas. Until Albany feels the pain nothing will change. I feel sorry for 90 % of the people.

  2. Whatever this costs the company will ultimately be reflected in higher energy prices for those in NY.... actually we will probably all pick up the tab....
    Is like.to.know if there are any oil or gas companies exempted in the legislation and what ties they have to Hochul

  3. Just read the NY Senate part if the bill. Chevron and Exxon Mobil listed directly by name (2 minutes of hate). Plan to assess the companies responsible for pollution over past 70 years, so not doing business in the state won't stop the money grab ($75B over 25 years). So much communism.

  4. The American Petroleum Institute response letter to Vermont's similar legislation is pretty good, although it does contain an element of "it's not us, we just refined the fuel" whining.
    They do point out that retroactive ex post facto laws are generally unconstitutional and that federal preemption will likely invalidate the bill. So in summary, I think it is all about posturing by the lefties in NY and VT.
    Still drives cost for the end users regardless.

  5. I don't feel sorry for 80% of the voters in NY, because they are getting what they deserve since they voted for these pinkos.

    I doubt the petroleum industry will just pull out of or refuse to sell fuel into New York, but they will basivally have no choice but to pass all the costs of this on to their customers. They aren't going to sell below cost. They need to hold the line and maintain their profit margins or even increase them due to the extra hassles. Of course I can already hear the shrieking of libtards about profiteering and price gouging when prices at the pump skyrocket. If the government of NY retaliates when they increase prices, THAT is when they might decide to no longer do business in NY. They probably still won't. But if they get fined for gouging, they should just pass those prices on to the consumer again. Maybe when gas reaches $10/gal the average dumbass New Yorkers will figure things out. But they're pretty stupid, so probably not.

  6. Aw damn, forgot to sign that one. I always realize it just after I hit publish. -swj

  7. One pro-smoker blogger, Dave Hitt, proposed something like this to the tobacco industry.

  8. Concur.

    Tying consequences to actions is the shortest road to wisdom.


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