30 December 2024

New Battery

New battery installed in Willard's AT&T Cingular Flip IV (U102AA).

Phone still doesn't connect to a carrier, but it will show one bar on the connection now.

As soon as he retrieves it, I've done all I can do.

The "Cingular" part is a clue I'd missed.  That, I think, makes it a pre-paid phone.

The "problem" might be as simple as his account expired when the battery was dead.

The specter of AT&T dropping support for this elderly phone is another.  I've found a couple of posts from people who've discovered that their phone was dropped by the carrier; and that such drops occurred unevenly.


  1. Yeah, if that phone says Cingular on it, it’s well over 10 years old, maybe close to 20. Sounds like new phone time for Willard. (Source: I’m a former AT&T / Cingular CSR from a looooong time ago.)

    1. I worked for lock\line (cell phone insurance company for Cingular) back in the day. I left lock\line when it was absorbed by Asurion in 2005, and Cingular had already been killed off by AT&T at that time.

  2. Did I miss the return of Willard? WTF? Was it the deviled eggs?

    1. He came by for deviled eggs on Christmas Eve. He also retrieved his phone yesterday while we were out hitting touristy places.

  3. Yeah, had to get my dad a new phone as AT&T dropped the 3G support... Also had to be rid of a number of devices on Campus because they were quietly dropped from support... Mind, they still BILLED the University as if they were in use, but...


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