12 December 2024

Probably Nothing

Willard has gone dark.

His phone's battery died, so he cannot call.

I have spare batteries for a phone he once owned, but I don't know if they're for the phone he presently has.

He lives inside a gated community that keeps me from just swinging by to drop off the batteries.

We have his daughter's phone number and we've left messages for her to relay to him, but no replies from Willard.

Either she's not relaying, or he's not wanting to reply or...

He's not been commenting here lately either.

That makes me worry his computer has taken a dump.

Again, I can't just swing by and check.

I'm a worrier, so this worries me.


  1. Replies
    1. If he doesn't surface soon, that's how we're going to send his Christmas presents.


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