05 December 2024

The "Benefits" Of Hearing Loss

A nice thing about losing a significant amount if hearing is losing the need to have a stereo past a certain point of fidelity and needing music past a certain bit rate.

Why pay for it if I can't hear it?

Since my hearing loss is focused on certain frequencies, I also don't need to waste money on subwoofers because I can hear bass quite well, thank you.

That sometimes makes me dial in the equalizer so that it sounds wrong to other people as I tune my experience to match my memories of a song before I murdered my ears.

I've also noticed that I am more sick of saying "What?" than people are of repeating themselves so I can understand (and they are VERY sick of it).  For many situations I just smile and nod until they quit talking than to bother to get them to say it so I can understand it.

Oddly, I can often pick out their voice better in a jumbled background than if it were merely quiet.

1 comment:

  1. My own hearing's better than average, but I have a dreadful time hearing through background noise. This is part of why I detest endless recorded "music" in public places.


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