01 December 2024

I Beg Your Pardon

Hunter Biden has gotten a sweet deal of a pardon!

Do not despair!

Biden the Younger may no longer plead the 5th if someone makes him testify now.

Everything has a silver lining!

Not that I expect anyone to supoena him...


  1. Though it's an inherent part of the modern system, that of Dems pardoning real criminals while ignoring innocents hammered by the System, this frosts me.

    I oh so hope he's committed crimes in states that are willing to charge the piece of garbage. And at least one state prosecutes the male progeny of an intact female dog.

    I am now wondering how many of those 51 intelligence people, all of the inJustice Department people, Obama, et al, will also get pardons to cover them from crimes committed against Trump? Whaddya bet there's going to be a major boatload of those, quietly signed and hidden, to come out at just the right time?

  2. Since Hunter can't plead the 5th, I imagine that many people are nervous that he will choose to name names rather than face a contempt of court charge if he refuses to testify. I would not be shocked if Hunter suddenly commits Arkancide .


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