In GURPS Magic there is a spell called Missile Shield.
It costs 7 fatigue to get started and 3 per minute after the first minute to keep going.
If you're not keeping track of fatigue, your average person has 10 and casting that spell is a hit to their available fatigue, but not crippling.
The problem is if you're humping the bush in Vietnam with medium encumbrance and it takes 4 FP an hour to march along.
The fire fight starts two hours in and you use a ring enchanted with Missile Shield to cast it and... You're now on the verge of collapse with -5 FP. See Basic Set p.426 for why this is VERY BAD.
Such a ring is 400 energy to make and that's a mere $150,000 if cast traditionally with "slow and sure" means and $20,000 if enchanted industrially. With a starting wealth of $15,000 and not enough demand to start an industrial production line... It's probably not going to come up in play.
But something that will is a healing potion.
Chiron is the healing elixir. Mass produced it will run a whopping $51.75 per dose. That might seem a lot but it will heal 1d HP worth of damage per application; that's the same as 1 to 6 days of total rest and recuperation! 20 minutes of First Aid/TL7 will restore 1d-1 HP. The standard issue field dressing has a dose of ointment form built right in!
Can you imagine how the media would be harping on things if the troops didn't get issued such a field dressing? The medic will also be carrying a supply of Chiron too; in both powder and liquid forms.
There was sure to be a, sad faced, Walter Cronkite wondering why we couldn't spin up the production line for those rings. 60-Minutes has not yet aired...
Gee, I wonder how quickly the Military Magical Industrial Complex would find ways to exploit/speed up/slow down/screw up acquisition of any and all magic items.