07 December 2024

Before Nguyen There Was Anderson

The free form role playing that lead to the zombification of VC sapper Nguyen started with:

PFC "F": We have latrine duty.

PFC "M":  We're covered.

PFC "F": How are we covered?  I don't need another article 15.

PFC "M": Remember Anderson?

PFC "F": (guardedly) Yes...  Wait, didn't he get killed in that mortar attack?

PFC "M": He did.  And that's why he's pulling latrine duty for us!

PFC "F": You didn't!

PFC "M": I did!

PFC "F": That was wrong!  I should turn you in!

PFC "M": Didn't he owe you money?

PFC "F": I hope Sarge doesn't find out.

PFC "M": I don't think he's paying much attention.  I heard him mentioning to the LT that he was impressed at how hard Anderson has been working lately.  He'll prolly get the first posthumous ArCom.  Besides, Jackson wants to borrow him tomorrow for HIS turn at the burn barrel.

PFC "F": We're either going to get busted or promoted, aren't we?


  1. Did they also have a Captain Tuttle?

    1. No, but there was a 2LT Kije in 2nd platoon. Under MAJ Murdock if I'm not mistaken... ;)


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