07 December 2024

Your Own Personal Nguyen

Funny New Guys lets one delve into some really creepy aspects of magery, magic and war.

Not least of which is the Zombie spell.  For a mere 8 FP and a minute of casting, plus a "relatively complete dead body," you can make yourself your own necromantic slave.

Learned some necromancy before dropping out of college and getting drafted?

Sick of digging latrines and sick of burning shit with diesel?

Wasn't there a dead VC sapper in the wire last night?

Private, your problems are OVER!

Until you get caught with your rotting pal who's... well, not very fun to be with or around.

It's Vietnam and it's HOT.  Your VC ditch digger is rotting!

Once the flesh falls from his bones, he will stop stinking and still be a useful skeleton, but until then...

No matter, have Nguyen stand on top of a handy ant hill until those, industrious, little insects pick him clean.  Better have him make a chicken wire enclosure to keep the birds off him, though, as they tend to dismember bodies while they snack.

But the entire platoon is going to be in on helping you violate the laws of modern warfare concerning the desecration of enemy bodies when they discover just how HANDY such a thing is for avoiding tedious manual labor.


  1. If Magic doth do exist during the Vietnam War, well, the Laws of War will have adjusted.

    Which, yeah, means GI Mage will be in deep doo-doo. But every dead Viet and VC will just be yet another undead body in the wall of bodies piling over the rest of the Americans. Heck, dead French and French Legionnaires and Imperial Japanese and Chinese of a variety will be fighting and undying for the Godless Commies!

    That digging sound? Viet Ghouls coming to get you.

    I can see the need for Marsten Matt under every tent and hooch in order to keep out the creepy crawlies.

    1. The Communists are WAY behind the US with regards to magic and it's *US* using zombies against them.

      In the Technomancer timeline, the US wins Vietnam because Nixon cries 'havoc' and sets loose an experimental necromantic support unit to do whatever they think they need to do.

      Technomancer (set in 1994) and Funny New Guys (same world in 1967) are worth reading even if you don't play GURPS.

  2. Oh, this one is a great idea :-) Well done sir!


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