13 December 2024

Not A Glock

OK, Ruger, Magpul, you have my attention with the RXM.

Picture from: https://grabagun.com/media/catalog/product/R/u/Ruger-RXM-19401-736676194018.jpg

A gen3 Glock 19 without the finger grooves?

Kinda want.

This also marks the moment that I've forgiven Ruger the company for the sins for Bill Ruger and his son.

1 comment:

  1. It bears a strong resemblance to Polymer 80, who was sadly run out of business by Biden, BATFE and Cal DOJ. It does show one typical Ruger in, the unecessary warning on the side of the frame about the lack of magazine safety.

    It's definitely ineresting though. Putting all the FCG into that module is interesting. I wonder according to BATFE what the serialized part is. The advertising copy makes it sound like the frame or "grip module" may not be, if it is exchangable as they say.

    I'm not sure how that FCG module affects things as far as cloning by 80% makers. I wonder if BATFE will consider any pre-bent or pre-drilled metal to be too close to be "able to accept parts" and whether bending and like for AK receivers will have to be done. Unfortunately with this whole UHC CEO killing putting "ghost guns" in a negative light again, I have little faith that the incoming Trump administration will do anything to undo the fuckery of Biden on the 80% market. I have a feeling BATFE is going to make it very difficult to get approval letters for anything anymore.


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