27 December 2024

There Will Be Signs

I have joined millions of others in the sure thing known as the Lotto.

1.1 billion dollar prize that will buy a happy meal once taxes and fees are subtracted.

Absolutely no (realistic) chance of winning; but it's fun to drop a buck or two here and there and dream.


  1. The odds of winning were reduced a short while back and the ticket prices went up (or are going to go up)
    Hence the frequent roll overs and the sky high jackpots....which encourage more people to gamble. The lottery folks sure know how to make money....
    And you know that when Billy Bob or Shaniqua wins big, they'll blow it all in 3-5 years!

    1. I have engineering and business degrees, I can have it blown in a month!

      Prolly end up dead.

  2. Ditto.
    Stupid-high prizes are worth a random coin toss into the wishing well, if only to dream.


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