08 December 2024

Steel Folding Chairs

In the way back...

The person I learned TTRPGing from was Standing Bear.

Bear was a veteran of WW2 and Korea.

He told us a tale of how folding chairs would disappear and how they played a shell game during inspections to fool the inspector into counting enough chairs that none appeared to be missing.

Fast forward to my own service.

The IG is going from building to building and I'm carrying, at least, six folding chairs from one place to another more than once...

"Holy shit!  I'm in Bear's story!" I was thinking at the time.

Bear laughed when I shared that and we got to share a "veteran moment".

Fast forward again, and Willard and I are comparing notes and HE has the exact same story about the chairs!

Which brings me to reading an article about how the Pentagon is having trouble doing audits and accounting for everything and then reading speculation about what the DOGE twins might do...

Considering that the Army alone appears to have lost more steel folding chairs than were ever made; and paid to replace them...  The numbers will never add up.

1 comment:

  1. My beta reader Jean Lamb tells about how when she was reading Viktor Belenko's story (he's the guy who flew the MiG-25 to Japan) and she came across an anecdote where the Soviets were painting trees and grass green before a bigshot came in to inspect. She said that they'd done something similar at the base she was stationed at once.


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