29 December 2024

Now Burn In Hell

He might have been a genuinely nice guy, but he fucked up America so bad it took the likes of Obama and Brandon to be worse presidents.

Jimmah is in Hell.

It terrifies me that the three worst presidents in US history are within my living memory.

Though FDR and LBJ fought hard to get in the top three...


  1. Oh, I don't know. That one president who did everything Hitler did before Hitler did it, from having neighbors rat on each other, concentration camps, rounding up of undesirables, seizing hyphen-American assets, sterilization and execution of undesirables, promoting widespread abortion amongst undesirables, segregating ethnic and other minorities out of the government and on and on and on.

    You know. Woodrow Wilson. May he forever rot in Hell for what he did to this country. Frucking national socialist.

    FDR just was Wilson writ large, with more international socialism than national socialism.

  2. Victor Lasky, a genuine conservative, wrote Jimmy Carter: The Man and the Myth. Jimmy wasn't "quite" as honest as his handlers portrayed him. Lasky wrote several other books, such as The Ugly Russian(a counterpoint to The Ugly American) and It Didn't Start With Watergate. As you say, burn in hell, maggot!

    1. He also wrote JFK: The Man and the Myth, and RFK: The Man and the Myth. The second book came out just before RFK got his, and sank like a stone. It Didn't Start with Watergate made some very good points, but in the frenzy to "get Nixon," nobody cared.


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