26 March 2012


OK, you claim you're a Goth.

That's all well and good.

Ostro or Visi?

What were you doing while the rest of us were sacking Rome?


  1. Then they reply Goth_IC_.

    Honey, to me Goth Ick is something you call the janitor for.

  2. Visigoth, as my father is Austrian by birth.

    And remember: Pillage, THEN burn.

  3. They rape all the women
    And they kill the cattle too
    Oh they rape all the women
    And they kill the cattle too
    But when they get it backwards
    They don't know what to do
    And you know that they're Vikings
    'Cause they're dumb
    'Cause they're dumb
    And you know that they're Vikings
    'Cause they're dumb

  4. "Ho, frijond, habais faurthai! Allai skalljans sind waidedjans!"

    A real Goth would know how to speak Gothic, right?

  5. the only gothic i have around here is a cathedral. it's very pretty.


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