11 January 2020

Florida Off To A Slow Start

The 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Movement is taking root in Florida too!

Red for counties with passed resolutions.

Hope to see more added to this list.


  1. Hey Angus;

    My Brothers county South Walton still ain't part of the 2A sanctuary movement. Must be all the transplanted yankees and other hippie scum.

  2. You can forget the Democratic People's Republic of Alachuacountystan. Unfortunately. GainesBerekleyvillegrad has it firmly under control.

    But we can resist, and resist we do.

    Especially enjoying the 'must report to ICE of the illegals arrested' that Sheriff Darnell and her cabal of socialists tried to avoid, until the Legislature passed preemption on immigration enforcement. Muhahahahhahahaha.

    Should have moved to Marion County when I had a chance... Oh, well, just have to continue being the voice of reason up here in stupidland (though it is interesting that every month I see a doubling of pro-Trump headware, this in a city that thought John Kerry was too right-wing.)

  3. Glad to see my old county Bradford in the mix but no surprise.


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