10 January 2020

It's Become Amusing

The cops don't use the spot reserved for them.

They don't have to.

It's better they don't, in fact.

The spot should be given back to the customers.


  1. WTH is their prob, Angus? Is it "too far" for them to walk from their reserved space to the entrance? Are they parking next to an employee-door-only that opens into the bakery dept for donuts?

    1. It's Wal Mart virtue signalling more than it's a need for the po-po to park closer to the doors.

    2. If Walmart was really smart they'd just move the sign to where the LE actually park. That way they would have their virtue signaled properly. You can't be the only person who has noticed that they just park in the fire lane instead of the spot that probably would be better utilized as a handicap spot.


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