20 January 2020

Jinxing It

So far, so good.

No violence at the Richmond rally and what news I've caught is not calling us names.

They sure sound disappointed that there hasn't been violence and there aren't "white nationalists" to focus on.

They are mentioning the death in Charlottesville two and some years ago every chance they get, but that's from their hate, not from our actions or anyone who showed up.

There's people open carrying lawfully, which means they are carefully outside the exclusion zone.

All the photos of them so far have them being smiling and friendly.

While the day ain't over yet, I am cautiously optimistic that we're not going to have the riot that several "pro-gun" people predicted.

So far, I haven't seen the guaranteed slander they predicted either.

Fingers crossed.


Looking outside my normal news haunts and find that CBS post about the rally went live at 0737 this morning under the headline, "Credible threats of violence as pro-gun rally is held in Richmond, FBI says."

It got an update at 0758 and that's all CBS has to say about it today.

What they wanted didn't happen.


  1. Dare I say it?

    An armed society is a polite society.

    More guns equals less crime.

    And I bet when the rally is over there will be little garbage strewn around. Heck, the area might look cleaner than before.

  2. Wow. 9:26PM Eastern time and just now the blood has finished being washed off the streets. Mass graves are filled and covered. The fires are finally out...

    This is what the Gun-Fud writers like people who's blognames start with 'A' or 'B' or 'T' said was going to happen.

    In reality, once again, it is shown that people on the right are polite, nice, clean, orderly, and actually good people.

    Makes me wonder how Charlottesville would have turned out if the Proud Boys hadn't been set-up by the mayor, the police and Governor Northam. (Seeing how the one death linked to that evil-gun-righwing rally was more due to the lack of health of the decedent than any real action taken by, admittedly, the nutjob in the car.)

    Will all the gun-fuds apologize for stirring up everyone and fear-mongering and siding with the enemy? Will they admit their complacency in the very issues that have caused this rally and this movement to appear?

    So far, I've only read semi-grudgingly acknowledgement of the peacefulness of the event, usually followed by something like 'but next time, next time, bloood and guuuuts and whacko-nuts on the right...'

    Quislings, quislings all. Maybe if they spent a quarter of the time supporting their rights as they do denying their rights, the issue wouldn't be needing to be an issue, would it?

    Mayhaps if 'A' and his people in California had done what Virginians did, rather than sitting on their hands and whispering "Please, stop, no, don't" while yelling at anyone who spoke up against the tyranny of the left, California wouldn't be Califrtopiastan now.

    Feckless. Feckless gun-fuds.

    And none of the feckless gun fuds have acknowledged that a state judge in Florida confirmed that Florida Carry and the Gun-LARPers were 100% right and correct and that the cops and the government were totally wrong. So far I'm hearing less than crickets on that.

    What is it with Gun-Fuds that they can't admit when they are wrong?

  3. I just wanted to add that there were lots and lots of people 'gun-larping' and playing 'urban commando' with leg rigs, and single point chest rigs, all of which, we are told by the gun-farbs like 'T' that are stupid and no one 'needs' to ever have. Because IWB and totally concealed carry pistols are what we all should be wearing, not long rifles and shotguns or AR/AK pistols or whatever, because 'they'll scare the normies.'

    Yet everyone at the rally, except from all reports one ANTIFAish person, was polite, neat, kind, spent money downtown, were orderly, and acted fully within the law.

    Gosh... darned it... they told me open carry was bad!!!!

    Amazing how common sense and open carry seem to go hand in hand.

    Amazing how so many supposed supporters of the 2nd Amendment were woefully wrong.

    PS: Hey, gun fuds, the 2A isn't just about gunz... it's about all arms (and armor.)

    Thanks, Angus, for being one of the few sensible voices of 2nd Amendment support out there in the world wide web.


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