23 May 2020

Brace For Impact

Did you know that with the rolling 50 year qualification...

Guns made as late as 1970 are now Curios and Relics?

There's some damn modern guns that can be had under this.

Six entire years of Colt SP-1, for example.

I'm giddy.

Well worth the money for the Cruffler license.


  1. What? The BATFE goons haven't retconned the rules yet? 1970? That's a whole lot of weirdness now available under the C&R. 10 more years and the first real plastic-fantastics will start showing up.

    1. The black letter law says 50 years, that's very difficult to regulate around.

      From ATF's own mouth:

      To be recognized as C&R items, 27 CFR §478.11 specifies that firearms must fall within one of the following categories:

      1. Firearms which were manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas of such firearms;

      2. Firearms which are certified by the curator of a municipal, state, or federal museum which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest; and

      3. Any other firearms which derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event.

    2. At one time Antique Firearm was defined as made in or before 1898 or 100 years or older. They changed that rolling 100 year deal just as some old milsurps were going to eligible.

      Can't have people getting a rifle what fires modern ammunition without going through an FFL now can we?

  2. When I was a teenager in the 70's, WWII was ancient history, about 30 something years. Now 1970 to present day is older than that ? How did I get so old so quick ?


    1. It hit me in 2014 when I realized that every Pre-64 Winchester was now C&R.

  3. I'm sure they'd love to do that, but they apparently haven't figured out a way to do it without legislative (rather than just regulatory) changes. It would probably be a higher priority I imagine if C&R was more popular. If it wasn't so relatively unknown and a lot of people took advantage of it, they'd be a lot more motivated to crack down on it. As it is they just rely on ignorance, fear, intimidation and doubt to keep the numbers down.


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