18 May 2020

Measure Twice Cut Once

We measured thrice and still didn't manage to measure correctly.

My noggin measures 23-1/2".  That corresponds to a hat size of 7-1/2.

Repeatedly we've measured my melon at 23" for a hat size of 7-3/8.

What went wrong?

There's a half inch starter lead on our tailor tape.  We've been measuring from the end of the tape to the markings rather than from the zero inch mark.

That makes all our, both Harvey and mine, measurements short half an inch.


This wouldn't matter, except The Boy decided that Daddy needed a new cavalry hat, when he asked me about my Sabers and Shamans stuff, for Father's Day.  Real live Stetson no less!

The hat arrived today and it's the wrong size.

That's when we noticed we'd been using the tape wrong.

Happily, CavHooah has an excellent return policy!  This must be a common error.

I'll get an RMA and pay return shipping and get a replacement hat the correct size.

The sad part is I should have known 7-3/8 was wrong because I have a boonie hat that's 7-1/2 that fits perfectly.

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