30 May 2020

Dereliction Of Sworn Duty

I am watching video after video of the riots and looting in three cities.

I am not seeing the cops engaging the lawless.

I am reading about the military activating MP units to step in and considerations for martial law.

So, Officer, you sure enjoyed the title of "hero"...  Time to do something heroic.

Get your ass between the citizens you're sworn to defend and those who seek to destroy them.

That is heroism.

Your safety is not, and never has been, paramount.

Getting your ass killed trying to save those who cannot save themselves is part of the duty.

It always has been.

Hiding from the lawless and waiting for the Army is the act of a coward, not a hero.

If you think I'm treating you unfairly, you'd better have a selfie of you manning the barricades and actually protecting someone besides yourself.

It's especially galling that there's lots of officers in many departments that do embody the selfless ideals and would stand between crime's desolation and the citizens they've sworn to protect.

Officers who take their oath seriously.

Your cowardly behavior dishonors those who are doing it right.


  1. Any city that needs the military to restore order should immediately be taken over by said military powers. Install a military Governor/Mayor. Take over federally the whole shebang. Immediately all pensions are paid off on pennies to the dollar. All public service employees are now temps working for the FedGov. All police are automatically inducted into the Army as local militia.

    See how quickly, after one city gets federalized, other cities will suddenly fall back into order.

    Enough cities in a state get federalized, state loses state-hood temporarily, becomes a federal territory. Really screw up? Bumped down to a protectorate, with only path to citizenship either being in counties that aren't farked up or by federal service (prior service may be considered towards citizenship.)

    Want to play? Uncle Sam can get real funky with your rights...

    1. we taxpayers don't want those libtard money pits to take care of. let em burn....heroes? i'd be happy if they just earned the money they have been paid. what do they think the ng is going to do? we have been busy fighting never ending wars to the point of not knowing how to deal with this crap. the guard has been taught problem solving with high explosives not policing 101.

  2. Oh, off topic but... The History Channel ran a 3 part miniseries on US Grant. Very good. If you can get it, watch it. It doesn't gloss over anything.

    Now I have to track down their Washington.

  3. the cops are "just following orders" designed to facilitate the push for mail in ballots. like they will just follow orders to heard us on the boxcars later. the final solution is now less than 3 years away. arbeit macht frei!


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