30 May 2020

Damned Ethics And Morals

Willard had left his Lugers here for me to take pictures of.

He stopped by today and asked, "Did I leave those with you?"

Compelled by honesty, I said, "Yes."

If I was better at being a scumbag I could have had two free Lugers!

Well, not free.  That's the sort of thing that costs a friendship.


  1. If you were better at being a scumbag, you would be a liberal, and I wouldn't be reading or commenting here.

  2. By being the honest, straight-up man you are, it means that Willard will let you play with them, and his other preciouses.

    And the reason that you are who you are. And have come to the conclusions about the 2nd Amendment that you have.

    If you weren't trustworthy and a straight-shooter, so to speak, Willard would never have let you get around his guns.

    Trust. It means so much, and is so missing in these dark fallen times.


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